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Tick Removal

Prompt removal of ticks decreases the chances of getting Lyme disease. The proper and easiest method is to grasp the tick with fine tweezers, as near the skin as you can, and gently pull it straight out. Be careful not to squeeze the tick when removing it which could result in more bacteria being injected.

The tick does not borrow into or under the skin, but attaches itself with 2 pincher-like mouth parts. Do not try to remove the tick with your fingers or attempt to remove with lighted cigarettes, matches, nail polish, or Vaseline.

For Information on Lyme Disease Click HereÂ

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is caused by a bacteria (Borrelia burgdorferi) transmitted through a tick bite, the majority being a very tiny tick commonly called the Deer Tick, or Black-legged Tick. Often, pet owners do not know this tick is present. Smaller than the head of a pin, these ticks are hard to see! They don’t glow in the dark. They don’t make the dog itch.

Clinical Signs

Clinical Signs of Lyme disease are usually delayed for several months but start to occur about 2 months after exposure and should show up by 5 to 6 months after a dog is bitten by a tick carrying the bacteria. The reported early signs of Lyme disease in dogs are loss of appetite, fever and lethargy. Lameness may occur at the same time or may occur later. In some dogs, enlargement of the lymph nodes occurs. In dogs, skin signs, heart disease, kidney problems and neurological signs are reported to be rare.

In people, lyme disease also causes headaches, skin sensitivity, sensitivity to light and depression. We could assume these symptoms may be present in a dog also. One 5 year old Rottweiler, Murphy, was diagnosed early because of a change in temperament. This normally happy, affectionate dog became grumpy and miserable and even started becoming aggressive. Instead of treating this as a behavioral problem, the owner immediately took Murphy to the vet for a thorough checkup. Lyme Disease was diagnosed and treatment started. The dog’s sweet personality returned within a few days.

If you notice unusual behavior or lameness in your dog, consult your veterinarian. A positive blood test can be diagnostic when appropriate symptoms are present. Fortunately, most dogs treated in the early stages of the disease will respond rapidly.


Prompt removal of ticks decreases the chances of getting Lyme disease. The proper and easiest method is to grasp the tick with fine tweezers, as near the skin as you can, and gently pull it straight out. Be careful not to squeeze the tick when removing it which could result in more bacteria being injected.

The tick does not borrow into or under the skin, but attaches itself with 2 pincher-like mouth parts. Do not try to remove the tick with your fingers or attempt to remove with lighted cigarettes, matches, nail polish, or Vaseline.

Safety tips

Keep your pet safely confined to your home. A wandering dog is much more likely to be injured by vehicles or unkind people. In most cities, by law, your dog may only be off your property if she is on a leash controlled by a person. To prevent escapes, make sure the fencing in your yard is high enough and strong enough to keep your dog from roaming. Frequently check for gaps between the fence bottom and the ground; watch for signs your dog is trying to dig out under the fence. Teach all the members of your family to carefully close doors and latch gates.

If you live in an area prone to natural disasters, keep an emergency pet supply kit with your own. Include a week’s worth of food as well as any medication your dog takes on a regular basis. A photo of your pet is also good to keep with your emergency supplies, in case you are separated from your dog during the event, you’ll have a way to get the word out to locate her.

Every dog, regardless of age or living situation, should wear a collar with an identification tag. Most municipalities require that all dogs wear a collar and tag. To ensure your dog finds her way home if she ever loses her collar, consider having your dog micro-chipped. In micro-chipping, a small silicone chip containing the owner’s contact information is painlessly inserted under the dog’s skin. Most animal shelters automatically scan lost pets to read the owner contact information. However, if your dog is found by an average citizen an identification tag will speed up your reunion.

Dog Proofing You Home

Dangerous PlantsÂ

Dangerous Plants

Dogs, especially puppies, find plants irresistible as playthings. They love to dig in the dirt of houseplants, and seem to enjoy pulling off branches of shrubs. Because of this, it is important to make sure the plants in and around your home won’t pose a health risk to your dog. The following are some common house and landscape plants that are toxic to dogs:

  • Philodendron
  • English ivy
  • Caladium
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Elephant ear
  • Poinsettia
  • Mistletoe
  • Azaleas
  • Holly berries
  • Boxwood
  • Wisteria
  • Hydrangea
  • Oleander
  • China berry tree

Pet Proofing Your Home

For thousands of years, dogs have been “man’s best friend.” Friendship is a two-way street, and dog-loving humans have tried to keep their pets safe in return.

As our world moves faster and becomes more complex, dogs need our extra attention now more than ever to stay safe. With a little foresight and action, dog’s best friends can create a “home, safe home” for their precious pooches.

Dogs have a keen curiosity. If you look at your home from your dog’s perspective, you’ll probably find all kinds of interesting things to examine. What most people don’t realize is that dogs first sniff, then mouth items to learn about them. So, be sure to keep the following out of your dog’s reach:

  • Roach and ant traps
  • Electric and phone cords
  • Cigarettes in ashtrays
  • Open doors and windows
  • Rubber bands
  • Housecleaning chemicals
  • Candles
  • Christmas trees ornaments
  • Paperclips
  • Uncovered trash cans
  • Human medications
  • Chocolate
  • Grapes
  • Anti-freeze
  • Plastic bags
  • Valuable books
  • Wedding rings and other jewelry
  • Batteries

For Information about dangerous plants please click here

Keeping Dogs Healthy

You love your dog and want to give her the best life possible. Good news! Amazing advances in veterinary medicine are making it possible for dogs to live longer, healthier lives than ever before. The quality of your dog’s health is the result of a partnership between you and your veterinarian.

When you first get your dog, be sure to have your veterinarian examine her within 10 days. In addition to getting baseline weights and measurements on her, your vet will want to check her blood and stools for illness and parasites. If you have never had a dog before-or at least within the last five years-this first visit is a good time to get an education in modern pet care. If you ask, your vet will be glad to give a demonstration in cleaning your pet’s ears and clipping her toenails properly.

A proper diet and sufficient exercise are key factors in keeping your dog healthy. You must make sure the food you give your dog is of good quality to provide her with the correct amounts of nutrients to keep her systems running. If you are confused by the variety of brands of dog food available, ask your veterinarian for some help. Don’t be embarrassed to tell him how much you are able/willing to spend for pet food. There are some excellent brands that are not very expensive, and some expensive brands that are not very good.

Exercise not only keeps your dog’s weight under control, it strengthens her muscles and enhances her immune system, and prevents many destructive behaviors. Some dogs are naturally active. Others need anywhere from a little to a lot of encouragement from you to get moving. If your dog seems to lean toward “couch potato,” you must take control. Set aside some dedicated time for activity each day with your dog, and she’ll be more inclined to get physical.

Yearly “well-dog” appointments with your veterinarian help track your dog’s health. A thorough going-over under the vet’s expert eye can catch early skin or eye conditions and other physical changes that you might not notice on a day-to-day basis. Blood and stool samples allows your vet to diagnose and treat disease and parasites before they reach a critical state.

The yearly vet visit is also a good time to mention any “strange habits” your dog may have developed over the last year. Often, these have simple explanations, but some behaviors, such as licking paint or eating strange substances can indicate a medical condition.

One of the most important aspects of the yearly vet visit is updating your dog’s vaccinations. These are not only required by law in many areas, they can literally save your dog’s life.

The process for selecting a veterinarian is very much like choosing your own personal physician. You want to find a doctor that you feel comfortable talking with, someone who encourages all of your questions and supports you in all the health care choices you make on your dog’s behalf.

Heat Stroke

Know the signs of heatstroke. Heatstroke or Hyperthermia is a medical emergency. If you suspect your dog has heatstroke you must act quickly. Have someone call a veterinarian immediately. In the meantime, lower the animal’s body temperature by applying towels soaked in cool water to the hairless areas of the body. Often the dog will respond quickly, only to falter again because his temperature is unstable. Even if your dog recovers quickly, it is imperative to get the animal to a veterinarian immediately.

Signs of Heatstroke:

  • Panting
  • Staring
  • Anxious expression
  • Warm skin
  • Fever
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Vomiting
  • Collapse

Summer Heat Dangers

Summertime is one of the best seasons to have fun with your dog. Walks in the park, hikes in the mountains, swimming and picnics are just a few of the activities you can share. The weather is warm, the kids are out of school and you have more time. But the heat of summer can also be dangerous and cause Hyperthermia or Heatstroke. By following a few summer dog safety tips, you can keep your dog healthy and enjoy the months of fun in the sun.

Never leave your dog in the car. It seems that we should all know this one. We hear the warnings every year and read the headlines “Dog Dies in Car”. It should be common sense, but each year, animals die because they are left in cars “just for a moment.” Though it may seem cool outside, the sun can raise the temperature inside your car to 120 degrees Fahrenheit in a matter of minutes, even with the windows rolled down. If you need to run some errands, leave your dog at home.

Have fresh water available at all times. Whether you’re indoors or out, both you and your dog need to drink lots of fresh water during the summer, so check your dog’s water bowl several times a day to be sure it’s full. If you and your dog venture out for the afternoon, take plenty of water for both of you.

Keep your dog well groomed. Keeping your dog well groomed will help the fur do what it was designed to do: protect her from the sun and insulate her from the heat.

Make sure your dog doesn’t overexert itself. Though exercise is an important part of keeping your dog or cat at a healthy weight, which helps her body stay cool, overdoing it can cause her to overheat. Plan your exercise times for early morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler. Keep the walks to an easy pace and make sure you both have plenty of water. If you dog is panting a lot or seems exhausted, it’s time to stop.

Know your dog’s limits. Elderly, very young, and ill dogs have a difficult time regulating their body temperature, so make sure they stay cool and out of the sun on hot days. Dogs with short noses such as pugs, shihtzus and bulldogs (just to name a few) have a hard time staying cool because they can’t pant efficiently. Overweight dogs are also more prone to overheating, because their extra layers of fat act as insulation, which traps heat in their bodies and restricts their breathing capabilities.

Bring them inside. Animals shouldn’t be left outside unsupervised on hot days. Shade can move throughout the afternoon, and dogs can become ill quickly if they overheat, so keep them inside as much as possible. If you must leave your dog outside, check on it often and bring it in when you can.

Pets need sunscreen, too. Though fur helps protect from the sun, your dog can get sunburned, particularly if it has light skin and hair. Sun can also bleach and damage the coat.

Know the signs of heatstroke.
Heatstroke or Hyperthermia is a medical emergency. If you suspect your dog has heatstroke you must act quickly. Have someone call a veterinarian immediately. In the meantime, lower the animal’s body temperature by applying towels soaked in cool water to the hairless areas of the body. Often the dog will respond quickly, only to falter again because his temperature is unstable. Even if your dog recovers quickly, it is imperative to get the animal to a veterinarian immediately.

Signs of Heatstroke: Panting, Staring, Anxious expression, Warm skin, Fever, Rapid heartbeat, Vomiting, Collapse.

Even with emergency treatment, heatstroke can be fatal. The best cure is prevention. By following the above steps and using common sense, summer can be a fun season for you, and your dog.

Regular Grooming

Why dogs need Regular Grooming

  • If you have a groomable breed (Poodle, Bichon Frise’, Cocker, etc.) the grooming should be a regular routine so the dog gets accustomed to this type of handling. If the dog is not used to his grooming, the time spent can be very traumatic.
  • Regular grooming helps keep the hair from becoming matted, removes dead skin cells and excess hair. Your pet is clean and pleasant smelling making him more comfortable and more huggable.
  • Regular grooming can stop problems before they start. For example: keeping nails neatly trimmed helps prevent foot related problems and keeps you from being scratched.
  • When grooming your dog, the stylist goes over every inch of his body several times. Often a groomer can spot a problem such as a tumor, swollen lymph nodes, ear infections, cuts or parasites that you may have overlooked, alerting you to see your veterinarian early.
  • A routine visit to the grooming salon helps socialize your dog by exposing him to new people, sounds, smells and other dogs.


If your dog seems to be choking, use a flashlight to check her throat. If you see and can easily remove the object, do so.

If you can’t see the object but are certain your dog is choking, you might need to perform a modified Heimlich maneuver. It is important to get proper training for this, as it can cause serious injury if done incorrectly. Many humane societies and animal welfare organizations offer classes on pet first aid, that include the Heimlich maneuver, CPR, and techniques for dealing with serious injury and poisoning.